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Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Three of Pentacles Keywords

UPRIGHT: collaboration | teamwork | learning 

REVERSED: working alone | disharmony

Three of Pentacles Description

The Three of Pentacles Tarot card depicts a young stonemason at work on a cathedral, collaborating with two architects who are reviewing the building's plans. This scene symbolizes expertise, teamwork, and the execution of a shared vision, with the cathedral's grandeur underscoring the high level of skill involved. The stonemason, though less experienced, is actively engaged in a dialogue with the architects, suggesting that his practical knowledge and input are highly valued in the project's success.

The interaction between the characters indicates a mutual respect and the necessity of each person's role in achieving the common goal. The architects' attention to the stonemason's perspective highlights the importance of communication and collaboration in realizing complex endeavors. The card emphasizes the value of combining different strengths and expertise to create something of lasting worth and beauty, underscoring the themes of teamwork, planning, and skilled labor in accomplishing significant achievements.

NOTE: The tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider-Waite deck and Decoding The Cards

Wishing For A Deeper Tarot Connection?

Decoding The Cards goes further than keywords and traditional interprations by providing exercises for each card in the tarot.

The exercises this book are designed to challenge you to delve deeper into the meanings of each card, as well as consider your own personal experiences in relation to the traditional meanings.

Three of Pentacles Upright

The Three of Pentacles is a card representing collaboration and working together as a team to achieve success. It symbolizes the hard work and dedication that goes into a group effort, with each individual bringing their unique strengths, experiences, and knowledge to the table. 

This card indicates that the planning phase of your project is done, and it’s time to take action. 

The Three of Pentacles suggests that you have the right plan, and all interested parties are committed to making it happen. By working together as a team, your project can reach heights of success that would be impossible on your own. It is a positive sign and encourages collaboration and dedication to achieving shared goals. 

Three of Pentacles Reversed

The reversal of the Three of Pentacles symbolizes a difficult situation in which conflicts, misunderstandings, and miscommunication have taken root. In this case, taking a step back to realign your goals is essential. Establishing a clear plan for each team member’s roles and responsibilities can help restore harmony and equilibrium within the group.

Additionally, the Three of Pentacles reversed can indicate that you must adjust your expectations and be open to collaborating with others. We can often achieve more than we could on our own through working together. 

Finally, the Three of Pentacles reversed can indicate that you feel undervalued or unappreciated in your current work situation. If this is the case, it may be time to look for more opportunities where your contributions can be valued and appreciated more meaningfully. 

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