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The Tower Tarot Card Meaning

The Tower Keywords

UPRIGHT: sudden change | chaos | upheaval

REVERSED: fear of change | averting disaster

The Tower Description

The Tower Tarot card depicts a dramatic scene with a tall tower on a mountain peak being struck by lightning, causing a fire and forcing two individuals to jump out in desperation. This image conveys sudden upheaval and catastrophic change. The tower's downfall, due to its unstable foundation, symbolizes the consequences of building ambitions on false beliefs or premises. The lightning bolt signifies an abrupt influx of energy and insight, leading to a significant revelation or disruption.

The impact of the lightning, which removes the top of the tower, represents a powerful divine or universal force connecting with the human realm, specifically through the crown chakra, indicating a flow of enlightenment. The figures leaping from the tower embody the instinct to flee from sudden destruction, facing the unknown. The surrounding 22 flames connect to the zodiac signs and the Tree of Life, implying that even in disaster, there is a presence of divine order and potential for spiritual growth.

NOTE: The tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider-Waite deck and Decoding The Cards

Wishing For A Deeper Tarot Connection?

Decoding The Cards goes further than keywords and traditional interprations by providing exercises for each card in the tarot.

The exercises this book are designed to challenge you to delve deeper into the meanings of each card, as well as consider your own personal experiences in relation to the traditional meanings.

The Tower Upright

The Tower is a powerful symbol of upheaval and chaos. It signifies that something vast and unexpected is about to occur in your life, whether it be a divorce, financial dilemma, health problems, job loss, or some other form of significant difficulty. The Tower card indicates that whatever comes next will cause drastic changes, and there may be no way to stop it. However, amid chaos, we can find strength and clarity. 

The Tower card suggests that although our current circumstances may be difficult, there are valuable lessons to learn and a brighter future ahead. Don’t be afraid to embrace the changes and look for the silver lining in this situation. Know that whatever lies ahead can be used to your benefit and will ultimately help you create a stronger version of yourself. Be prepared to face the chaos, accept what is coming, and remain brave despite difficulty. 

The Tower Reversed

When the Tower is reversed, it is a strong sign that a deep personal transformation is occurring within you. It can indicate a spiritual awakening, which may dramatically change your beliefs and understanding of life’s purpose. 

The Tower reversed is a sign of personal transformation and growth, but it also serves as a warning in situations where resisting change could lead to more significant destruction. In some cases, the reversed Tower could be warning you to accept the need for change rather than attempting to resist it. 

Sometimes, altering your plans ahead of time can prevent disaster or chaos altogether. 

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