Seven of Wands Keywords
UPRIGHT: competition | challenge | perseverance
REVERSED: exhaustion | overwhelm | giving up
Seven of Wands Description
The Seven of Wands shows a man positioned on a hill, actively defending himself with a wand against six others that are directed towards him from below. This scene suggests that he is in a struggle to protect his achievements or status, symbolizing a battle or challenge that he is facing. The elevated ground on which he stands represents a position of advantage or prior success, which he is now compelled to safeguard.
The detail of the man wearing two different shoes hints at a possible lack of preparedness or uncertainty, indicating that he might have been unexpectedly thrust into this conflict or that he is unsure of his footing or approach in the situation. This imagery reflects the themes of resilience and defensiveness, highlighting the need to stand one's ground and defend one's achievements against opposition or competition, even when the circumstances are less than ideal or when one feels unready or uncertain.
NOTE: The tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider-Waite deck and Decoding The Cards