Four of Pentacles Keywords
UPRIGHT: security | conservatism | scarcity | control
REVERSED: over-spending | greed
Four of Pentacles Description
The Four of Pentacles illustrates a man outside his hometown, perched on a stool, clutching a coin with a vice-like grip that suggests a deep fear of loss. He has a pentacle atop his head, symbolizing a barrier to his spiritual connection, and two under his feet, indicating a strong foundation but also a fixation on material security. His possessive posture reflects an overwhelming desire to safeguard his wealth.
This man's attachment to his possessions is so intense that it immobilizes him, preventing any movement or interaction with others, including friends and family who are part of the community he has distanced himself from. Isolated and stationary, he epitomizes the negative aspects of material fixation, where the pursuit of wealth becomes an end in itself, leading to loneliness and disconnection. The card conveys a cautionary tale about the consequences of valuing material wealth to the extent that it dominates and restricts one's life and relationships.
NOTE: The tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider-Waite deck and Decoding The Cards