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Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Eight of Wands Keywords

UPRIGHT: action | movement | fast-paced change | alignment 

REVERSED: delays | resisting change | inner alignment

Eight of Wands Description

The Eight of Wands features eight wands soaring through the air, symbolizing rapid movement, swift change, and potentially travel. The clear sky and the vibrant, life-giving river in the background emphasize the positive momentum and the flow of energy associated with these changes. This card represents a period of dynamic progress and forward motion, suggesting that events or situations in one's life are moving quickly towards a resolution or culmination, propelled by a strong, guiding force of intention and action.

NOTE: The tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider-Waite deck and Decoding The Cards

Wishing For A Deeper Tarot Connection?

Decoding The Cards goes further than keywords and traditional interprations by providing exercises for each card in the tarot.

The exercises this book are designed to challenge you to delve deeper into the meanings of each card, as well as consider your own personal experiences in relation to the traditional meanings.

Eight of Wands Upright

When the Eight of Wands appears in a reading, it signals that the challenges and obstacles you faced in the Seven are behind you, and now everything is going according to plan. This card brings an energetic burst that propels you forward, pushing you towards completing your tasks. 

The Eight of Wands reminds you to align your resources and focus on your intentions and actions so you can move forward quickly. 

This card also reminds you that now is the perfect time for action, as everything is aligned for your success.

Sometimes, the Eight of Wands can indicate air travel or a quick trip away, maybe for work or a weekend getaway.

Eight of Wands Reversed

The Eight of Wands reversed urges you to slow down and think before you spring into action. Rather than charging ahead, you’ll be better off ensuring you have a plan.

The reversed Eight of Wands also warns you to focus on one task at a time, seeing each through before moving on to the next bright, shiny idea.

The Eight of Wands reversed may indicate that you are resisting change. Something in your life is shifting, but you refuse to shift with it. If your energy is feeling stuck, try changing up your routines to free yourself and get your energy flowing again.

The reversed Eight of Wands can also point to obstacles in your plans.

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