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Your Guide to Eclipse Season

Your Guide to Eclipse Season

Eclipse season is one of the most transformative and powerful times of the year, marked by both a Solar Eclipse during the New Moon and a Lunar Eclipse during the Full Moon. These events occur two weeks apart, occasionally followed by a third eclipse (as we had in 2020!). Eclipse season can begin with either a New Moon Solar Eclipse or a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, followed by the opposite lunation. 

These celestial events open up portals for change, release, and growth, offering opportunities to reset the course of our lives in profound ways. Let’s break down what you can expect from each type of eclipse and how to make the most of this energetic time.

What is Eclipse Season?

Eclipse season occurs approximately every six months when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align. These events are always linked in pairs or trios of solar and lunar eclipses, each bringing its own set of astrological energies. While eclipses can stir up deep emotions and even upheaval, they ultimately guide us toward clarity and purpose.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse

The New Moon Solar Eclipse is a potent time for new beginnings, intensified by the eclipse’s energy. It happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun’s light and casting a shadow on Earth.

Astrological Meaning:

A Solar Eclipse represents a powerful reset. It’s a time when the universe hits the "refresh" button in a specific area of your life. New opportunities may arise, and you might feel a surge of energy pushing you to set fresh intentions or embrace significant changes. Solar Eclipses can be unpredictable, bringing unexpected twists of fate or sudden realizations that shift your path.

Tips for Navigating the Solar Eclipse:
  • Set Intentions Mindfully: Eclipses supercharge the power of New Moon intentions. Take time to reflect on your goals, but avoid forcing things to happen. Allow the universe to guide the way.
  • Be Open to Surprises: Don’t cling too tightly to how you think things should unfold. Solar eclipses often bring out-of-the-blue developments, so be flexible and willing to adapt.
  • Protect Your Energy: Since the eclipse energy can feel overwhelming, take care to ground yourself. Meditation, journaling, and spending time in nature can help keep you centered.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow over the Moon. This phenomenon often creates a strikingly red hue on the Moon, also called a "Blood Moon."

Astrological Meaning:

Lunar Eclipses are associated with emotional culmination and release. They shine a spotlight on things that need closure or transformation. This can be a time of heightened emotions, revelations, and endings, where old patterns, relationships, or beliefs come to a necessary conclusion.

Whereas a Solar Eclipse is about new beginnings, the Lunar Eclipse encourages us to let go of anything that no longer serves us. This is a powerful time for emotional purging and cutting ties with the past, making space for a renewed sense of self.

Tips for Navigating the Lunar Eclipse:
  • Let Go Gracefully: Embrace the natural flow of release. Whether it's an old habit, a limiting belief, or an outgrown relationship, allow this period to cleanse and clear space for new energy.
  • Trust the Process: Lunar eclipses can stir up intense feelings, but they often reveal hidden truths that lead to personal growth. Trust that whatever comes to light is part of your path forward.
  • Emotional Grounding: Since emotions run high during a Lunar Eclipse, be mindful of how you respond. Practicing self-care, spending time with supportive loved ones, and engaging in calming activities can help you stay balanced.

How to Get Through Eclipse Season Smoothly

  1. Stay Present: Eclipses are known for speeding up the timeline of events, making it easy to feel overwhelmed. Take things one step at a time and avoid projecting too far into the future.

  2. Listen to Your Intuition: Eclipse season is like an amplifier for your inner voice. Pay close attention to your instincts, dreams, and any gut feelings that arise. They could be guiding you toward an important shift.

  3. Practice Patience: Changes and transformations prompted by eclipse season often unfold over the coming months. Give yourself time to process and adjust to any new dynamics in your life.

  4. Embrace the Unknown: Eclipses remind us that not everything is within our control. Let go of the need to predict every outcome and lean into the idea that uncertainty can be fertile ground for personal growth.

  5. Keep Rituals Simple: While eclipse energy is potent, it's also unpredictable. Avoid elaborate spiritual rituals during this time, opting instead for grounding practices like journaling, deep breathing, or lighting a simple candle to connect with the present moment.

Embrace the Cosmic Shift

Eclipse season may shake things up, but it also sets the stage for major breakthroughs and personal evolution. By embracing the energy of both the Solar and Lunar Eclipses, you can align with the cosmic flow, allowing change to unfold with grace. Trust the journey, release what needs to go, and make space for the new chapters that are ready to emerge in your life.

Are you ready to embrace the transformation this eclipse season brings? The cosmos is supporting you every step of the way!

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