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Tarot + Astrology with Maisy Bristol

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Video Transcript: 

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Hi everyone, welcome today my name is Dayna Schmidt-Johnson. I'm the community manager of the Writual Society as well as the house astrologer. But today we are going to be talking about Tarot and astrology specifically how they connect, how they overlap and how they work together. And since this is a Tarot focused community with a lot of astrology sprinkled in, I know that this is such a hot topic for all of us. So it's so much of a hot topic that we're going to be devoting August's Writual Society theme to this connection. And as a result, we have brought in Maisy a seasoned tarot reader, astrologer and creator of The Tempest tarot deck to walk us through all of it. Hi, Maisy. Thank you so much for being here today.

Maisy Bristol  

Hi, thank you for having me.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do.

Maisy Bristol  

Um, well, as you said, I'm an Astrologer and Tarot reader. So, day to day is filled with readings and of all sorts of tarot readings, Birth Chart readings, and I just like to dive as deep as I can go into Tarot and astrology to really find, I don't know, nuggets of information. And I think part of my my motto, and this whole journey has been to go deeper than what we've known. So that's kind of my that's what I do. I just I really like to enjoy. I enjoy learning and I like sharing that knowledge with everybody. So happy to be here. 

 Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Fantastic! Tell us a little bit about your own journey. How did you get to this point between Tarot and astrology? Which one did you come to first? I'm so curious.

Maisy Bristol 

Right? Yeah, I actually I'm a tarot reader first and astrologer Second. I have had, I think I've been I've been reading Tarot for about 16 years, and I've been doing astrology at least professionally for like five years. These are all just guesses, but basically around there. So and I've been doing tarot, professionally for maybe like seven. So So yeah, I mean, they kind of overlapped. Somewhere when I started doing tarot, professionally, I kind of got into astrology was actually a funny story because I, I found a tarot deck in my house. That was my first introduction. No one told me about it. I just like found one. And then I decided that it was really cool and interesting. And so I just like to just read a lot, you know, I went to Barnes and Noble and was in the spiritual sector and like, every other spiritual loser like me. And so I just read a lot about tarot, and I did dabble in zodiac signs and stuff. But I didn't really learn much about astrology until I worked as an editor because I, I, in my career, like before I became full time in tarot reading and stuff. I was digital journalist, and I ended up falling into horoscope, and as an editor. And that's how I ended up learning so much about astrology, because I had two astrologers on either side of me, and I'm obviously into tarot, but I was very fascinated about astrology. And I've just like badger them with questions every day, about astrology and how it works. And, and this is what I feel this means or this transit or this aspect means and so what does that mean to you? And, and am I right? Like, and you know, you just develop your own sense as you learn from others. So I really took advantage of those two.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

That is awesome. Not a lot of people get to sit between two astrologers and just ask the questions that they have as they come up, right. I'm sure that really solidified then your love of astrology. And then how did you start connecting that to Tarot? Where did that connection come in?

Maisy Bristol   

Right, um, well, I knew. Most people know that. You know, every sign has one card, and it's usually associated with the major arcana. But I started listening to podcasts. I mean, everyone listen to podcasts, and I was listening to one podcast and I can't remember who it was. Maybe it was Sam Reynolds. But someone was talking about tarot and like connection. And then he said something that just blew my mind. And I was like, Oh my God. Every single card in the tarot deck is associated with a planet or a zodiac sign. And I just thought that was wild. So then I just dove deeper into the, the what and like, like the how and the why would those zodiac signs be associated with this card and then you can kind of develop, you know more about what you think about that card based on the to react elements, so it just it just adds a whole nother texture to the, to the process. So I, because I just I'm an intuitive kind of like creative mind, I just need to learn more. And so when he said that I just had to continue on with it. And that's how it started. And I actually, I dove deeper into the practice and then I just finished reading a book actually on Tarot and astrology together, and how to use them in a compatibility format, so that you can kind of take, you know, your, your regular zodiac sign and divide it into parts based on the cards that you have associated with that zodiac sign and learning how to put them together. So that's, that's coming out sometimes. And then I like sometimes like next year, but yeah, it's, it's fascinating.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Yes, wow. So your whole journey starting from a tarot deck that you found in your house randomly, all the way to now writing your own book about how asstra astrology and tarot are connected. So how are they connected? Like you said, each each card, not just the majors, which I think like you said, a lot of people are familiar, okay, a planet and assign go are assigned to each of the major cards, but where do the minor cards fit into all of that.

Maisy Bristol 

So, you know, with the modalities, for, for astrology, they come into play for the main for the minors. So we have Cardinal mutable and fixed signs, I guess in order to be Cardinal fixed and mutable signs, and the it each of those are associated with numerological sections in the minor arcana. So, the cardinal signs are associated with two, three and four, the immediate, the fixed signs are 567. And this and the mutable signs are eight 910. So when you take that, and then you apply it with the elements, so we have, you know, Cardinal fire, that's Aries. So Aries is 234 of wands. So that covers some of the major minor arcana. And then the aces are, since we've skipped over the aces and went through to two to 10, bases actually cover all of the elements. So ace of wands is all the fire all the fire signs. And then we have page knight, queen and king. And the pages are kind of like aces where they represent the elements. So page of wands, all fire signs. And then knights are mutable signs. Queens are cardinal signs, and kings are fixed signs.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Phenomenal Yeah, that was, that was my first question. I was like, Where do the court cards fit in? I feel like court cards are easy to get kind of stuck on and how do those, you know play but yeah, that completely makes sense that it's between the modalities and the elements that all of these things come together and you can start, if you have an astrology background, you can really start to put that to the tarot cards. And if you have a Tarot background, you can really start to put that to astrology.

Maisy Bristol 

Right? And once you think if you think more about it, like the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. So like king of wands is so Leo energy like that's the fixed fire sign and king of wands just just reminds me of Leo energy, you know, just like passionate and like out there and look at me and like I'm the ruler and you know, it's just charismatic and amazing. Anyway, so I just think it's so so cool. Additionally, if you think about this way, I think it's interesting to where the minors they cover all those zodiac signs, but it would only make sense that all the planet Zodiac all the planet cards all the planet tarot cards are in the might the Major Arcana because they're, you know, outer and they're like, more effervescent, or like esoteric to us. They're up there, you know, away and they're kind of I feel like the Major Arcana has a lot to do with karma and the things that we can't touch and just really big life moments that are fated for us or moved for us and I feel like that's what planets do. So I just, I think it's fascinating. 

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

So then how can we utilize this knowledge? Okay, so we know each tarot card has an astrology correlation. How can we use that as we're drawing cards, and how can we use that as we're maybe looking at our charts too?

Maisy Bristol 

I think that um, One way to do that is if you're pulling cards for reading, and you see a lot of one suit, or a lot of one, not just like one element, but a lot of Virgo cards or something like that, then you can start to apply, not just the idea that maybe there's a Virgo involved here, which is totally possible, but also that like, Virgo energy is involved, like maybe there's a perfectionist thing going on. Or maybe there's this sense of, you know, duty or charity going on that like that this person feels like they have to fulfill. So, you know, like responsibility and things like that. So it's, it's helpful in the sense that it gives you like a guideline, when you're looking at a spread, and there's lots of cards, and you're like, Oh, my God, especially if there are some tricky cards in there. Like, I'm just trying to think of one, you know, like three of swords is so easy, but, but some people might not understand, you know, eight of pentacles, like, so random, what does that mean? And so if you remember, you know, this format, and you apply it to the zodiac sign that can help you learn the meanings a little bit better, or in a different way. Additionally, I think, like what I did with the book, if you take all of your signs, cards, and all of your partner's cards or whatever, and you put them together, you can start to see the differences, the compatibility, you know, points or the challenging points that would make or break the relationship. Or make it harder, make it easier. You can start to see power dynamics, there's all sorts of stuff and if you do spreads with those parts, too, it's just like, blows your mind. 

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Wow, yeah, I had never considered that as opposed to a composite or a synastry.

Maisy Bristol 

It is kind of like that, but cards.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Yes. Oh, that's fantastic. That's definitely something I'm gonna have to try for myself. I love that. Oh, so then tell me what is your favorite like Tarot and astrology connection? Where did it were? What's your jam?

Maisy Bristol 

Um, my favorite Tarot and astrology connection. I really liked the idea that the planets are the majors. But I also if we're talking about like, specific cards. I haven't oh my god, that's so weird. I was like, Please pull the lovers card. And then I did. I just like, picked up the deck. And I was like, where is it? And here it is. Okay, anyways. Um, I just really, I really enjoy the lovers specifically for Gemini. Not only because it talks about like, partnership and stuff and the duality between like me and you. But it talks about like, like mind connection to because the lovers is like, just that feeling that like intuitive moment, or you're like, like, see you. Like third eye. You know, our third eyes are connecting. And I just feel like that's what the lovers is. And you know, Gemini is so like mental and stimulated. So I just, I find that one kind of cool. I also love that judgment is, is Pluto's card. That one's a good one, too. That makes a lot of sense for me.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Why? Why does that make a lot of sense to you?  

Maisy Bristol  

Yes, judgment is so difficult. It's like, I like to think of judgment, like you're looking, you're being forced to look in the mirror and see the gross parts of yourself that you have yet to honor respect or find closure with. And when it's upright, it means like you're actively taking on your shadow self and whatever admits versus like, something happened, and you need to know this. So Pluto is kind of like that, where it's, it's dark, it's the darker side of you and, and when it's making a bad like a square aspect or something to some part of your chart. That's like, judgment reversed, where it's like, hey, ouch, like that hurt. But now I have to think about it. Unfortunately, I've been like, you know, repressing it forever. And now it's up in my face. So I just I find that judgment is so hard. And so is Pluto, who's also so hard. And they just they resonate together with me, I think. And that could be one way that an astrologer might learn more about Tarot. Because judgment can be hard to grasp. You know, it took me a long time to figure out what my interpretation was. But if you know a lot about Pluto, then you can say, okay, how can we connect these two?

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Yeah, you really have to spend that time and and dive into each element. You know, okay, what's this planet about and what's this card about and where do they overlap and work together? And it was a tougher plan. In and of itself to interpret, right? So it makes sense that then the judgment card, right effort to interpret.

Maisy Bristol 

Like, you know, Saturn's the world and like that's another like, Whoa, big one. Whereas, you know, Uranus is pretty kind of I feel like it's a little bit easier, and it's the fool. It just makes sense. So, yeah, it's just, it's pretty cool.


Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

I am curious how then you consider reversals within Tarot and astrology? Is it? Like reversals or almost like when the planets retrograde or is it toe? Is it more like a square or opposition kind of a thing?

Maisy Bristol 

Oh, I like 100% associated with Retrogrades. Just because oftentimes reversals reflect back onto us. It's not necessarily, you know, there, there are obstacles that you have to overcome, but it's more like, what are the personal obstacles? And how is the theme of this card a personal obstacle for you? And that's what Retrogrades do, they they act, or they force us to go inward. So the world reversed is kind of like a Saturn Return or like a Saturn retrograde moment where and I do think returns are to piggyback on that returns can also be reversals too, but like, you know, the world's reverse for me, like when that comes up, it says, I haven't accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish, and yet, I'm not happy. And I thought I wanted these things. And I have them and I'm still uncertain. So where's the disconnect? And Saturn can work like that to where it's like, here was the structure that I gave myself. And then when you get your Saturn Return, it's like shit. I don't want any of that anymore. Like, wow, I need to redo my whole life and have a semi midlife crisis. So it's just yeah, I, I think that reversals are tough at but they're more inward, just like when planets become more inward.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Yeah. And we're, we're in a period of several planetary Retrogrades that are just like increasing with intensity. Right now. 

Maisy Bristol  

So right, yeah.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

I feel like reversals in pulls right now would align with that energy a lot.

Maisy Bristol 

Totally. And it's a it's hard because reversals are like, do better. Like, you know, just see this better. And you're like, Well, I can't I mean, it's hard to just rewire your brain, but it takes time. That's the problem, you know, and that's what it means, especially with the outer planets all retrograde like, this is a time moment. We must wait until like December when all of them are back into normal. And addition. I mean, I just want to say in addition to all the outer planets being retrograde Chiron is about to go retrograde too and that's like such a that's also stop wait he'll you know and it's just seems like a lot.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Yeah, while at the same time like feeling this burning passionate desire to do something right when you can or you're being blocked or something it just it's forcibly making you sit and reflect sit and wait and sit and waiting game like do but wait.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Right and we're all feeling that I think this summer and fall and then once we like you said we get into 2023 the game changes a little bit.

Maisy Bristol  


Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

Always exciting I always like to say we don't live in a bubble. No, no tarot card draw spread you pull or no. Astrology, astrological reading you do is has happened? Just in this moment, right. It's everything before it and everything that's coming after as well.

Maisy Bristol 

Exactly. And you just have to go along with the ride. You know, and I think Tarot and astrology is a great way to find like comprehension about what's happening in your life. But I don't think it's something that we should be living by, like, every day, day to day necessarily. Because it can be detrimental, you know, to your own, like free will and help and self help and self worth and you know, you just kind of live live with the universe live with the science.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

I love that. Oh, thank you so much for being here today. Maisy, we are thrilled to learn more from you because you are our August guest in the Writual society. And in the meantime, where can people find you?

Maisy Bristol 

Yes, I I have a website. It's And then I have Twitter and Instagram with the same handle. TarotbyMaisy and you can find me there. Find my deck find me to find information

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson  

go follow for the book that's coming in 2023 as well, right? Amazing. Maisy, I can't wait to hear more about Tarot and astrology in August with you in the Writual society. In the meantime, thanks so much for being here today. And we will see you soon.

Maisy Bristol 

Okay, thank you for having me. See you later.


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About Maisy Bristol


Twitter: @tarotbymaisy

Instagram: @tarotbymaisy

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