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Palmistry with Natasha Robertson

Palmistry with Natasha Robertson


  • What is palm reading? 0:00
  • Natasha's reading style 2:17
  • The process of a palm reading 5:43
  • How to get started with palmistry 9:35
  • Learning to trust your intuition 14:32



Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Hey everyone, welcome. My name is Dayna Schmidt-Johnson. I'm the community manager and house astrologer for the Writual Society and Writual Planner. So excited to have you here today because we are talking about palmistry. This is such a fun and fascinating topic.

And you may already be familiar with some of the main lines on the hand. But if you're not, it's somewhat easy to learn, but as many things in the spiritual realm, it's a lifetime of practice. So here to tell us more about palmistry is palm reader Natasha Robertson. She is one of our Writual readers as well. And we're so excited to have her here to tell us all about this practice that she's been doing for 12 years. So welcome, Natasha.

Natasha Robertson
Hello, thank you for having me. I'm super excited to be here.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
We are so excited to have you here. And just to kind of get started, let's get like a baseline understanding of palm reading - what is this practice really all about?

Natasha Robertson
So palm reading is just a really cool way to learn about like characteristics that people have maybe some futuristic things like your marriage lines, children lines. And it also tells a lot about, like various points of trauma maybe that people have experienced, it's a good way to kick off, like getting into shadow work to understand where some of your trauma lies. And it can also predict what a good career path would be for you.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Wow. So palm reading can do a lot of different things. Can you read your own palm? Or do you really need to go to a practitioner like yourself who's going to give a deep dive?

Natasha Robertson
So I can read myself, but I think for a lot of people, if you don't really understand fully the lines, because certain lines cross over each other. And that means one thing and then scars mean something different. If you're not fully competent, I guess is a good way to put that, I would definitely go see somebody to read your palm.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Okay, so we're not gonna, we're not gonna start first. So I'm sure you have plenty of tips to getting this practice started. You know, with your readings themselves, every practitioner kind of has their own way of reading. So tell us a little bit about your own style.

Natasha Robertson
So when I read palms, I don't always typically stick to just the main lines in your hand, or sometimes I don't even follow the right lines. They all tell me different things. For me, I channel into spirit. So I will get into a meditative state, I what I do is, I imagine I'm an egg and I crack it. And then that's my ego shutting off and so then I'm able to vibrate higher. And then I call upon your spirit team, my spirit team, anyone in divine light that has anything to say. And in a palm I'll start to see words that pop up, they will take little gold, and almost like old fashion, American typewriter kind of font, and it'll appear on the hand. And then I just look for a lot of the lines that I'm traditionally trained in.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
What a fascinating process. And I remember when we met at the Mind, Body Spirit Expo, you told us this story about a client whose palm had changed over time. And this kind of blew my mind. And I don't know if I'm remembering the story correctly, something about she had children lines, but didn't want children and like the next time you saw her, they were like gone. And I've always thought of handprints as being more like fingerprints, like you'll only have one but that does not seem to be the case. So do these lines change?

Natasha Robertson
They do, they absolutely change. Just depending on where you're at. Sometimes even hydration will change lines that will make more like some of them appear brighter. The dryness of your hand is also another indication for me when I'm doing palm readings. So there's a lot that actually goes into it. It's not ever just set in stone. Every line in your hand can change. When you work on trauma, there's a lot of these lines back here. These will actually shift and shape if you've been through a lot of traumatic experiences. 

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
So the process of the hand is always just kind of shifting and changing and regular palm readings sound like they're kind of necessary just to process what you maybe have been going through.

Natasha Robertson
Absolutely, I always recommend that people come like once a year. So maybe even every six months, if you have a lot of changes happening. Because in a palm reading, we can kind of see the course of where... So your palm tells you where your energy is currently, one hand doesn't then the other hand tells you where a lot of past influences are coming from. And so when we combine the two of them, we can really get a good look it based upon the timeline or the energy pattern that you're in today. This is where you may end up.

So if you want to shift something, let's work on this area that like in your hand, it'll tell me what area you probably need to work on the most because it'll intersect. So say somebody has really bad depression that will appear in their hand as these little lines. And we'll discuss it especially when it starts to run into other things or like if they've naturally been born with an M in their hand. And it starts to those depression lines start to encroach on that image. It'll tell me like you're about to lose your ability to really intuitively perceive the world. And so then we can kind of navigate and go from there. It's just a really good tool kind of like Tarot is but, well, different.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Yeah, definitely. Um, how did you even get started in reading palms? And palmistry? It just seems like, you know, we've all seen books and read things, but you're an actual reader for quite a long time. How did you get into it?

Natasha Robertson
So 12 years ago, now, I was teaching a class. And I mean, I had seen at that point four psychiatrists, because I thought something was wrong with me. I got sober finally. And I just thought there was something batshit crazy happening upstairs. And so I went, saw these people, and I was like, something is wrong. I can hear voices. I don't know what this is. But please help me, I think it's schizophrenia. And so then, after four different people telling me it, like doesn't meet the criteria for schizophrenia. I was teaching, trying to just live my normal life. And I had a gal walk in and she goes, 'Wow, you're a medium,' and I was like, she used a choice word. We won't say here, but she was like, 'You're a medium,' and I was like, 'Ah, okay, what is that?'

So I ended up going to lunch with her at her house. And she read my palm. And she goes; the same technique I used today, she did on me in that moment. Her grandmother had been this longtime, like gypsy lady. Can't even remember she was like from China or like one of somewhere over there, like, hid her entire lineage. This was like a passed down technique. 

Then she goes now, I want you to do the same. And I said, okay, so I grabbed her hands. She told me to crack my egg, how to do it, how to get into it. I'm reading her hands and I pulled some of the craziest shit out of this person that I literally met like four hours before and ever since then it's just something that I'm able to naturally bring up all the time. Yeah. It's wild. 

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
That is wild. Such a cool story and such a cool start. And now look at you! What do you love about doing this? What keeps you going?

Natasha Robertson
I think my favorite piece is, I don't even know, like I am honestly, so obsessed with palms. If I was an artist, I would totally draw hands all day. But I think my favorite part is just, a different client, like, sometimes it's mind blowing this thing that happens for people. And they're like, What? How did you know that about me? I'm like, it's in your head. I don't know. It's just, we're kind of almost like science meets pseudo-science. It's like a middle connection for me. I'm very scientifically-minded. And so that is a huge piece.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Yeah, it is. I mean, it's, it's science, it's an actual hand. So it makes a lot of sense. And as you were talking about the lines changing and shifting that makes sense, then that you would be able to really dive in and read those. So what's the benefit of reading your palm or getting a palm reading?

Natasha Robertson
I think that the biggest benefit for learning to read your palm or having someone else read it, you whatever it is, however you choose to do it, the biggest benefit is that every year, like it changes, so you can, I like to honestly help just put ink all over my hand, and then stamp it on a piece of paper so that I can hold them up in the light, and I compare them even have some that I've done like transparent paper, like the tracing paper stuff, it tends to run a little more. So we avoid it now. But I love to compare the lines from one year to the next. And it's almost like keeping a journal about your timeline and your life.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Well, now you're giving me ideas, because now I'm like, ooh, at the beginning of the year, I'm gonna do a palm print and see what happens over time.

So what do you suggest for folks who are interested in palmistry? How do they get started on this journey? It seems like it's a little bit different than picking up a tarot deck. And certainly your experience of starting was unconventional. So what do you recommend?

Natasha Robertson
Well, first, I would definitely say go to somebody who can teach you how to do palm reading. That is a huge thing. You can pick up a book all day, but unless you sit with somebody who authentically does it, you're gonna miss out on the piece of intuition. You can be very intuitive, and then try to read palms and still just not make the connection. Because the intuition that I use, like when I'm doing a Tarot reading is actually really different than the energy that I'm reading. When I read a palm, I go within a palm, it's almost like, I take a step inside someone's soul, where when I'm doing a Tarot reading, it's more like I'm reading the auric field of their life.

And so understanding how to make the different connections, it's just like, if you're trying to channel spirit, you call in a different way, you get into it a different way. Every modality has its own energy source, kind of like when you open the Akashic records, there's a whole way that you open it to get in there, each thing you do is so different and palm reading is the same way. So it's best to go to somebody who has experience and can actually guide you through it. Versus just picking up a book or I think I saw Udemy is that thing, whatever?

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Outta me? Yeah, I don't know, either. One of those. 

Natasha Robertson
They have like palm reading courses on there. And my thought was, like, you're missing the connection of it, you have to have that ability to really intuitively get in.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
So, find someone near you who can talk you through the process. Take like an in person class, rather than, like online or a book or something. 

Natasha Robertson
So I teach all day. It's something - I have a course that I teach that is actually teaching you how to be a psychic medium, it's a whole year long process. And so we teach how to really get into the different forms of intuition that you're going to have to work into.

And when you just section off and you do only palm reading, like online, even, you're just teaching people how to use those tools that are naturally inside of them, and how to trust because that's the biggest thing that people get hung up on is trusting the information that's coming through.

The other day, I was sitting with a gal and her brother kept showing me the color orange, and I was like, I don't I don't get it. Like he showed me an orange car and orange orange, an orange sweatshirt, like all these things. And he just keeps saying the word something. And I'm not like understanding that these are some things, I get that, but I don't know what he's talking about. And she goes well, he's actually talking about his favorite song. And I said is that where you're supposed to go on Wednesday? And she's like, she fully like why If he has like a yes, so Zack Bryan concert was here, and it was at Frontier Days, and he was his favorite song was something in orange. And the last time she saw him, he was wearing an orange sweatshirt, all of those things I've never had presented even in such a weird way in a reading.

And it's just I've had to learn how to trust the information that's coming through, not over-question, because it's not for me. And so when people go to read palms, they have to learn to trust that intuition that they're picking up on and understand that they sent a message for you to understand, some message for you just to spit out and tell the person because they're going to connect something.

And even I've had tons of people that like for newbies that are wanting to learn to read palms, this is a really good tip. I've had tons of times where I'll say something, and I'm like, bro, this is coming through. And this is coming through. And as long as I don't get my head about it, sometimes happens even with all these years and, and I just let it flow out.

There are so many times when people come back, they're like, oh my gosh, you'll never believe, like, what my first readings that have happened, I panicked. I was like there's a balloon, and a bear, and flowers. And she's like, 'Oh, my man didn't do anything for Valentine's Day, it was actually a sore spot.' And I was like, so sorry, okay, because this is like in early March. And I was like, 'I don't know what to tell you.'

Well, then she sends me a picture three days later of the exact thing I had described to her like down to the dots on the balloon that was a heart shape. And her boyfriend sent them to her while she was at work because he doesn't believe in Valentine's Day.

And so it's trusting that those messages may eventually be able to fit someone's life. Because with palms, there is a really cool thing that happens for me. And I think it happens for several people I know that do read palms also, we get predictive feelings about things through the use of the palm. So just understanding that may not apply today. But there is a predictive element to it. And it could be something you're searching for later.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
That is so interesting, and fascinating. And I'm so excited to learn so much more about palmistry. With you coming into the Writual Society as our October guest teacher. I mean, what a perfect topic for the witchy month right of October, let's dive into these palms and see what they've got going on. But in the meantime, where can people find you and more about your classes?

Natasha Robertson
So I am in the middle of revamping my website, but it will be harmony and Luna, when it's all said and done. Or there's going to be links on So fancy I got my own name. Excited. So you can find me there.

I'm on social media and Natasha Robertson, psychic medium. The dashes are just a little different, Instagram and Facebook once a dash and one is the underscore, I think Instagrams the underscore, and then TikTok, it's NatashaRobertson17.

And I just find videos, I need to get back into it. But I make fun little videos of like trauma things that we need to work on. Or I have a dumb video on there where I have a crystal looks like a butt. And I was like, look at all these beautiful crystals I have. And then I had to buy this, I'm not mature and I'm still learning. And so we do a lot of fun, silly things over there.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Excellent. And we'll be sure to put those all in the information below the video. So check those out. I'll say this in closing, when I was in high school, I did a presentation for my English class, you know, on palm reading. And I can tell you like everyone was like so engaged the whole time. It was so fun to just be the presenter and watch everyone like staring up the whole time.

So I can tell you from that experience, this is going to be a fun class. So be sure to be there and we can't wait to see you all there. Thank you so much, Natasha, we'll see you in October.

Natasha Robertson
Thank you. Have a good one.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
You too. Bye.


You can find Natasha on social: 

Instagram: Natasharobertson_psychicmedium
FB: natasharobertson-psychicmedium
TikTok: natasharobertson17

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