October is finally here! Grab your broomsticks and pumpkin spice and see take a look at what's coming up in the Season of the Witch!
Eclipse Season is on it’s way!
October offers relief from retrogrades but also brings two eclipses in Libra and Taurus. These could be dramatic, offering new opportunities and closing old chapters. It will be full of ups and downs, revelations and insights.

Eclipses are powerful lunations. Typical New and Full Moons offer about three days of their energy, whereas eclipses can last 3-6 months! This doesn't mean that you'll feel the energy for that long, but if nothing seems to stand out to you during these October eclipses, think back to September or be patient for November as more information could come to light.
Scorpio season gears up early when Mars moves into the water sign of depth and other people's resources. Mercury and the Sun join just before the final eclipse in Scorpio's opposite sign, Taurus.
In the meantime, Happy Birthday, Libras!

In the Tarot, the Justice card corresponds with Libra. Typically depicted by a balanced set of scales, sometimes heralded by the goddess of Justice herself, Justice is a card of fairness, equilibrium and grace. In a time that may not feel fair and equal, grace can still prevail.
From the Modern Hue Tarot by Writual Planner
Here's a full list of major astrological events this month:

We take this energy forward to as we turn the Wheel of the Year on Samhain October 31. Use this Tarot Spread to gain clarity about the past, present and future:
Want to keep up with the monthly energies? Get your Workbook Subscription for spells, rituals, tarot spreads, and more in your mailbox every month!
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