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How to Prepare for a Card Reading with Mike Owen

Intuitive & Teacher Mike Owen of discusses the process of preparing for a card reading, either for yourself or others. When it comes to tuning in and switching on, Mike knows the how and why of good preparation! Mike has over 18 years of experience in Energy work and Spiritual Counseling and has helped clients all over the world. 


Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Hi everyone, and welcome. My name is Dayna Schmidt-Johnson. I am the Community Manager of the Writual Society and the house astrologer for Writual Planner. Today we're going to be talking about how to prepare yourself for a card reading. Whether you're reading for yourself or maybe you're reading for someone else, it's really important that you take a few minutes of your time and prepare yourself mentally, spiritually, energetically, in order to get the best reading possible. And to help us learn more about how to do this. We have brought in energy healer Mike Owen. Mike, thanks so much for being here today.

Mike Owen

Man, I'm so honored to work with you guys and be here. I met you guys at the Denver show last month. And I'm all the way from Louisville, Kentucky if you can tell by my accent. So I haven't even said y'all yet. But I know you're gonna hear it today.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Fantastic. Tell us a little bit more about what you do as an energy healer and your experience with Tarot.
Mike Owen
Man, that's a loaded question. I could be here all day, like I've already alluded to before we started recording. I've been doing this professionally for 18 years. So there's so, so many facets, you know, there's so many different modalities and disciplines, whether it be intuitive work, tarot, pendulums, you know, reading tea leaves, chicken bones, like, there's so many different disciplines. And, I'll refrain from saying 'but' because that negates, and it all goes back to you and your intuition. So whenever I learned and trained, I learned I went to an academy for four years and learned without tools without anything. So it's kind of like learning how to ride a bike without training wheels. And then of course, if somebody if a client wants you to put on training wheels, of course, you can do it for him. You know, it's just learning a little bit about that other modality, again, whether it's gemstones, tarot or whatever. So, you know, everybody's got their own path, and no way is better than the other. It's just what you're comfortable with.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Yeah, absolutely. And I think, you know, when it comes to reading cards, a lot of us just kind of pick up a deck shuffle it around and pull, you know, why - why is it so important to prepare ourselves for readings?

Mike Owen
Because there's so many reasons, and one of the main reasons is because we're spiritual beings on a physical journey right now. So therefore, we still have contact with the spiritual world. And you know, everybody, you know, humans are a young species, we're still learning boundaries. That's one of the big things. We're here on two legs, learning all this crazy stuff. And it's hard, it's hard to discern what's truth, what's our imagination, and also, there's other energies out there, whether it be our own programming, or other energies that just like the good spirits, and the good stuff, source has positive plans for us. If you believe in light, there must be some dark somewhere. So the other side wants to slow us down from helping others as well. So that's why it's so important for a good warm up to connect in to that spiritual truth.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Wow, yeah. And what, you know, what does that warm up look like? Do you do you need to do it every time you do a reading?

Mike Owen
I do. I do personally, because I feel whenever I've worked with a client for 18 years, you know, your business, they're, everybody's like family. So you know, you love your family, and you want to do the absolute best for them, you're blessed and honored to help them on their path, just like you were helped, you know, like I was helped and mentored. And, you know, I just want to want to pay it forward like that. So what it looks like, for me, everybody's different, but I'll go into meditation, probably 15, 20, 30 minutes, depending on how long or stressful of a day of course, and I work differently than other people. I teach clairvoyant training. So I teach my students, there are certain steps, certain buttons, certain knobs that you switch in your own psychic anatomy that most people just don't know about. I was very fortunate to have great teachers. So I teach that to my students. And of course, I had my own twist, but there's certain buttons and dials, and switches, and different step by step. You know, just like when you come in, at night in your house, you got a dark house, okay, we got to turn on this light, we got to turn on the oven warm it up for dinner. And there's other things that you do, you can't just walk in, in a dark house and feel around and maybe you'll find the maybe you'll find the oven, maybe you won't, you know, so it's all about your preparation, just like athletes, you know, they'll get to the field or the court, you know, are 2, 3, 4 hours early, and they'll start and do it. So your warmup determines your product.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I think, you know, I think for a lot of us, the warm up is just the shuffling of the cards. And I'm curious because you know, so much of what we focus on in the Writual Society is doing things not as a shortcut, but it's kind of like hey, you can bring spiritual awareness to your daily life in short bursts one minute here, five minutes there, that kind of thing. Drawing one card is just as good as a, you know, a huge Celtic cross spread. I'm curious if there are short rituals that can help, you know, kind of turn those switches on, find the oven really easy at times.

Mike Owen
Yeah, there are and there are several different things, the main thing that you can do, three things, okay, you're gonna hold me to this, you're gonna hold me to this, because you know, I'll keep talking - three things. Number one is being grounded, some type of grounding meditation ritual, you can physically go outside barefoot, of course, the winter is challenging, but that earth energy really helps to pull that stress out, pull that mind chatter out. And that's one is grounding. There's grounding meditations, where you just visualize in your mind's eye, tree roots coming out the bottom of your feet and your tailbone, and then you're connected in the earth. So that that is one grounding as the foundation for any metaphysical work. Two, the switch we talked about, there's so many different switches and dials and your own psychic anatomy that people just aren't aware of that I teach. So one is your intuition switch. You know, some people have a meditative practice, you go in your mind's eye, that that, that place in the center of your head, and you just picture a switch, it can be like a breaker box switch, or light switch, and that turns on your intuition. So then that helps you to focus, you know, just like anything else. And then also what I do before I work with clients, because it's intuitive, and I still am human, and I have filters and opinions. I put that aside, because people don't come to me for my opinion. You know, they want spirit, their own spiritual information. They don't want whether I think their outfit is cute or not. They don't nobody cares about that. They want their spiritual truth. So and I deal with abuse and trauma, unemployment, spiritual, but I'm gonna deal with heavy stuff. So they don't need my they don't need Mike's opinion. So what I do is, I'll say an ego prayer, everybody's got an ego, you know, it's not just over ego, ego is how you identify in the real world, you know, and our third dimensional world. So I'll say a prayer, you know, and I might use Jesus, Jesus, Archangel Michael, please help the ego of Mike Owen, the ego step aside, so that he can help this client on their highest spiritual path. And then I'm able to get clearer pictures so that I'm not in the way I get out of the way. And I'm just a messenger.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Yeah, and that brings me to my next question, which is reading for others, right? Do you prepare in the same way reading for others that you prepare for yourself? Are there different things to do? That would help when reading for other people?

Mike Owen
It's just like, first, it's just so hard to read for yourself, it just is. Because even if you try to step out of the way, there are certain times that you're just not supposed to see it, you're supposed to reach out and get help for your own humility. And also, you read yourself for 5, 10, 20 years, you're in a vacuum, you're in a bubble. You know, it's just like playing basketball out back, you're the best in your backyard. And you know, and then if you've ever played anybody else, you know, then you play somebody else one day, and you're like, oh, man, I'm not that great, or there's some things I need to work on. So you're if you're in that little bubble, then you can't stretch yourself. And again, the ego is the child's human ego, because the ego doesn't want to be challenged. It likes routine. It doesn't like to be told no, it's like a child. You know, that inner child doesn't like to be told, No, it doesn't like that hand smacked. So sometimes for own humility, myself included, and I still get readings, I'll go outside. I do this professionally, and I still get tuneups and readings to make sure that I'm still on my spiritual path. So the answer is, is that sometimes you can do it for yourself. Other times, you're just supposed to seek others for help. And my warm up is way more intense for somebody else than it is for myself. I just that's just how I usually do.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
When you say intense, do you just mean like, longer, more practices, like what do you do that's different?

Mike Owen
I'll layer, I'll do things a different way, different angles to make sure I'm hitting my energy from all these different directions, I'll use three or four grounding methods. I'll turn on my switch two or three times and make sure that it's on you know, just like you're flipping the lights like okay, light switch works, I don't want to I don't want the bulb to blow while I'm working. So but yeah, just again, it goes back to you know, we love our tribe, our community, our clients. So we want to do the absolute best for them just like you're hosting this video, and I'm honored to be here with you because I know how much you love your clients. So you're doing this for them. This is not for yourself.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Well, hey, I have learned a thing or two. So Mike, you said at the beginning, that you wanted to do a reading for the group. For everyone who is watching and I'm so excited to see you work. Have you dive in and share your insights with everyone so I'm gonna give you the floor. Take it away.

Mike Owen
All right. So once again, you gotta get that hook ready to pull me off stage because you know, I'm a talker, so, but it's really cool. So thank you for having me once again. I'm excited to work with you guys in March. Is it March, I believe, is that right?

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson

Mike Owen
Okay, I'm super excited. I'm going to take you guys through. I teach clairvoyant training. So I'm going to teach you take you through one of the techniques I do. And even though I don't use tools, I know how to use tools, you know, like, like, we talked about the training wheels. So what I'm going to do for you, as well, as all the viewers who ever watched this past, present, and future, is you're going to get a genuine reading right now. So here we go. So I'm going to work with you because I don't have everybody here. So I'm going to work through you through everybody else. So I'm going to do it just like I do. So would you give me your full name, please?

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Dayna Schmidt-Johnson.

Mike Owen
And your date of birth, please?

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
7 27 82.

Mike Owen
And your city of birth?

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Newton, Kansas

Mike Owen
And do I have permission to view your energy and help you on your highest spiritual path?

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson

Mike Owen
All right. So this is how I set up every reading, because it's very reverend, respectful, I'm gonna respect your spirit and give you the highest quality information. I was in meditation for a half hour before we even logged on. So I am thoroughly warmed up. So first up, is I'm gonna look at the energy. And I'm just going to tell you, this is for everybody. So I'm looking at everybody's energy simultaneously. And you can't think about it with your conscious mind. You have to think intuitively, so I'm looking. So basically, anyone who's watching this now, you're watching this for a reason. You're watching this because you logged on. Because you want spiritual information, you know, there's more to life. So you're all about your education and pushing yourself and the glass ceiling, it is a real thing. We all run into those barriers sometimes. So we have to keep searching. So right now you're viewing and you're searching for something, you're looking for some answers. And I believe that you might have found some breadcrumbs, I always call them breadcrumbs or clues. So whatever that is, whatever I might have said, or, or whatever Dayna might have said, it probably sparks something like man, you'll remember. Man, I remember, he or she said that one thing, I'm gonna have to research that some more that sounds really interesting. So your motivation is going to be your curiosity. So just remember, so now, because I know this is a card, this is how I do my readings. When people ask for Tarot or cards, I give information because it's like a wizard and a wand. The power doesn't come from the wand, the power comes from the wizard. The wand just allows you to focus and make it's almost like an antenna to the sky. So you can pull in a little more information. And you can focus. So you're the wizard, you know, like, like the wand's not wagging the wizard, you know. So that's how it is. So now I'm gonna shuffle, and I'm gonna pull a card to reinforce what I just said. Ah, here we go. The king of pentacles. I like cats, me and my wife have kitties. So this is Cat Tarot deck, amazing deck, whoever created this deck knew cats very well. And the death card is the vacuum cleaner. So it is amazing. So if you can see this, you see that? Okay. All right, you have the gift of video. So you can always pause it. So basically, what this means is the kitty's got treats. And I know a little bit about Tarot. So the kitty's getting treats the kitty's getting all these treats all the treats that he or she wants, you being the kitty. So you get everything that you need from spirit, first of all, no matter who you are, you got everything you need from spirit. And that's where the trick is. The fulfillment comes from spirit. It doesn't come from material, from relationships, you have to build inward first with your own spiritual integrity and resolve in truth, then you build outward. And that includes boundaries and protections. So once you build outward, then the material things come that you want that house that dream house that boat, that vacation house, because money's not bad it's what you do that could be considered bad or negative, and then your relationships, but you have to respect yourself first. So then we get to the treats. Alright, the cat eats all these treats and the treats are gone, then you're feeling like 'Okay, what's next?' So no matter how blessed you are, there are still levels and there are glass ceilings that we talked about. You still have to keep pushing forward. So it's not enough to watch this video and be like, 'Okay, I listened to what he and she said, now I can do it all.' No, there is still hard work involved. You still have to rub up against that leg to get spirit to give you those blessings. You know, you still have to climb on stuff and get corrected like a cat. You still need to be corrected and check your ego, everybody, myself included. So, just because you're blessed doesn't mean that it's time to stop working. You're here in human form. There's always work to do until you pass and then you work some more next round.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
The work is never truly done, is it?

Mike Owen

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Never. Oh wow, that was a cool reading and I really liked that deck. I know, I think some people in our Society have that deck because I've, I've heard rumblings of the cat deck, specifically that vacuum cleaner card. Because how cute is that? Right. And so many of us, myself included, have cats. So definitely a connecting point. But you like really tapped into the intuition piece of the puzzle when it came to that reading. And I think that that's what we're all really looking for. And so knowing that, you know, you were prepared for the reading beforehand, you came to the table, reading the energy of everyone who is watching. Very cool. And it came through very clearly, I don't think anything that you said could be mistaken in any other way. And I'm sure part of that is the fact that you prepared yourself beforehand.

Mike Owen
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And again, I can't stress enough preparation, and, you know, and cards are good and their tools and I would just encourage, the only pitfall I would say is if you lean on the tool too much, you know, is you're the one steering the ship, you got to use the cards for yourself. And that's why I recommend just kind of tapping in to having a little warm up and then shuffle with an intention or a question like, you know, I know that you guys talked about that. And then you know, you have your focus then you kind of feel what you feel, you pull the cards before you even turn them over, what are you feeling? What emotions are you feeling? What thoughts pop in, you know, and these aren't random thoughts. These are whispers from your spirit from your angels from your guides, whatever you believe in, so you get Okay, well, and you keep seeing a brick wall. Okay, I keep seeing a brick wall. What's that mean? Then you flip over the card and like, Okay, I'm being blocked right now from from this situation. So you just got to trust yourself, and you have to practice and work.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Hmm, trusting yourself is easier said than done. Isn't it? Amazing. Oh, thank you so much for being here today. Mike. We are thrilled we're gonna have you in March, like you said, in our Writual Society as our March teacher talking about all the ways to prepare for the readings and doing a deep dive on that so we cannot wait to learn more. In the meantime, where can people find you?

Mike Owen
My wife and I own a Wellness Center in Louisville, Kentucky. It's Iris, You can find all types of stuff. I'm a licensed Hypnotherapist. So I can see the layers between the conscious and the subconscious to break those glass ceilings. I'm also obviously a clairvoyant, psychic, empath, whatever you want to call that. I teach classes, I teach clairvoyant training, basically how to explore yourself. And once you explore yourself, it's easy to explore others, use the same exact techniques. So there's all kinds of different things. So check out our site and see if anything calls to you. And I'm definitely here at your disposal. And I'm really excited to work in March so in March, I'm going to be whoever is watching, you know, put put your big girl big boy pants on because like it's I take you deep, I take you very deep, and I teach you how to use all these switches in the psychic anatomy that you might not be aware of. And it's probably going to be a 15 to 20 minute meditation setup and after your setup and in, you're going to feel that you could read anybody, anybody could sit down in front of you and you can see and you could do anything. It feels amazing to be connected in to your spiritual truth.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Hmm, yay. Can't wait to become more more connected right to my to our spiritual truths. Mike thank you so much again for being here today. We will see you in March.

Mike Owen
I can't wait. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson
Thank you. Have a good day.

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