After a turbulent summer and fall, November was a refreshingly peaceful month. This may give us the notion that we have overcome all of the challenges for the year. Sadly, Mercury Retrograde occurs right before the winter holidays of Yule, Hanukkah, Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, and New Year's Eve, which means mayhem is on its way.
Welcome to Sagittarius Season!
Mayhem is a term that raucous Sagittarius actually looks forward to, as the bawdy centaur seems to get away with just about everything thanks to its ruler Jupiter. The expansive and lucky planet gives Sagittarius its jovial attitude, knowing that no matter what happens, they will land on all four feet. If you can muster up a happy-go-lucky attitude, it will serve you well this month.
Mercury Retrograde is certainly the headliner of the month, beginning in Capricorn on December 13. This energy stays with us until the New Year, so if holiday plans feel like they're going sideways, shuffle through as best as you can.
On December 4, Venus will enter mysterious Scorpio, and we will all be seeking intimacy from our personal relationships. But on December 29, Venus moves on to Sagittarius, putting a little pep into those partnerships.

We invite the Winter Solstice and the beginning of Capricorn Season into our lives on December 21, also known as the Yule Sabbat. The Full Moon in Cancer arrives on December 26, making for an emotional and family-oriented holiday season.
Sagittarius is associated with Temperance in the Tarot. The Temperance card helps us see our goals clearly and long-term, but in a balanced and reasonable manner. It also shows listening to your inner guidance and learning at a greater level.
From the Modern Hue Tarot by Writual Planner

Use this Tarot Spread to prepare yourself for the upcoming Mercury Retrograde:

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