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Celestial Highlights: Astrological Transits in August

Celestial Highlights: Astrological Transits in August

August's astrological transits present a unique opportunity to reflect on our progress in 2024 and to recognize the journey still ahead. This month invites us to celebrate our achievements and enjoy the summer's radiant energy. The illumination of the Leo/Aquarius axis by the Moon brings themes of creativity, community, and success into sharp focus. With Virgo season as the thoughtful backdrop, these themes are infused with a spirit of practicality and discernment.

Whether you're a seasoned astrology enthusiast or simply curious, understanding these transits can empower you to navigate the month with greater harmony and awareness. In this guide, we break down each significant transit, offering insights into how they might manifest in your life.


☉ Sun Δ Node ☊
You can be granted special rights or have your accomplishments recognized.  It resembles significant luck or being in the right place at the right time.


♀ Venus ☐ Uranus ♅
Romantic relationships start off with an instant electric affinity, but they likely end quickly. You may experience a period of feeling in and out of love.

♂ Mars ✱ Node ☊

Strength and endurance give you the stamina to push forward into a leadership role. Act upon your own instincts - you don’t need to wait for opportunities to make them happen.


🌑 New Moon in Leo ♌
It is time to show off your most authentic self. Find time to play, meet up with friends, and explore your creative side. Lean into the lazy, hazy days of summer.

♀ Venus into Virgo ♍

Virgo brings pragmatism and dedication to what you love. You are sensitive now, so it’s not a good time for a review as you may only focus on the negative. Serving others will lead to satisfaction as long as you’re given the space to do it and already have your basic needs met.

☿ Mercury Retrograde
‘Re’ is the optimal prefix when Mercury is retrograde, as we often find ourselves re-doing, re-working and renegotiating during this period. As Mercury also rules technology and short travel, this period can also bring technological nightmares and travel snafus. Take the opportunity the universe is offering to just step away and relax if you can.


☉ Sun ✱ Jupiter ♃
The Sun in sextile to Jupiter is a very fortunate placement, and a great time to plant a seed and watch it grow. No matter what you focus on this day, luck will be on your side in a way you could have never expected.

☿ Mercury ☌ Venus ♀
There is a balanced, rational and cooperative vibe in the air on this day. You may prefer to socialize rather than work, and that would suit you just fine. If you can’t avoid work, set up some meetings or a happy hour to have something to look forward to and utilize this chatty energy in a beneficial way.


♂ Mars ☌ Jupiter ♃
An energetic and adventurous time, Jupiter brings its enthusiasm and can-do attitude to restless Mars. You may want to explore new ideas, take greater risks or show off your talents to others. There is a strong drive to succeed no matter what.

☿ Mercury (R) leaves Virgo ♍
Mercury marches backward into Leo, causing further disruption in a new area of life. The sign of creativity, children and play is now the focus of Mercury’s miscommunications and do-overs. Try not to get too frustrated when things don’t quite go your way, and have a backup plan!


☉ Sun Δ Chiron ⚷
You have a special feeling of mission and purpose. When your will and your feelings are tested, you could change course on your road and discover inspiration rather than hopelessness.


♂ Mars ☐ Saturn ♄
This is not a great time to go on the offensive. Take a cautious approach to risk-taking and keep your head down and do your work. You will have an opportunity to go fast again when this transit dissipates.


☿ Mercury ☐ Uranus ♅
This may make you impatient and impulsive, with a heightened anxiety and tension. Uranus can bring unexpected changes alongside it, so lean on Mercury’s reasoning and logic now.

☉ Sun ☌ Mercury ☿
The Sun and Mercury join together, making creative expression easy. The downside is that it causes rampant over-thinking and it may be difficult to see other perspectives. Use this energy to take an inward look and make positive decisions for your future.


♀ Venus ☐ Jupiter ♃
This optimistic influence may have you over-eating, over-spending or over-sharing. While it’s wonderful for socializing, it’s not so great if you lack self-control. When it comes to going big or going home, just go home.

♀ Venus ☍ Saturn ♄
Make space for some alone time now if you can, as this transit brings restriction and delays in love and money. You won’t be much in the mood for socializing and practicality rules over solving problems. Put your head down and don’t make waves.
☉ Sun ☐ Uranus ♅ 

An increase in tension can cause unpredictable behavior, which may result in abruptness, quick direction changes, and even accidents. Everyone appears to experience everyday stress more strongly, especially if their options are limited. Be flexible and maintain an open mind.

🌕 Full Moon in Aquarius ♒
You are an individual that is part of a collective of humanity, and this Full Moon shines a light on how you can promote ingenuity, creative thought and radical change, both in yourself and others.

♃ Jupiter ☐ Saturn ♄
This is a challenging transit that will require perseverance to get through. Frustration leads you to determination and persistence, which will pay off in the long run. Uncertainty is likely to be part of the equation, so keep putting one foot in front of the other until the path becomes clear.


☉ Sun into Virgo ♍
Virgo loves to study and learn, and is synonymous with hard work and the daily grind. This is a great time to dive deep into projects, learn a new skill, and generally be thoughtful about your habits and daily structures.  

♀ Venus ☐ Mars ♂
This is correlated with rage, a lack of restraint, and impulsivity.Your love is communicated through sex in a healthy relationship. However, in a problematic relationship, there is a higher chance that hate will be voiced as a result of a building of sexual resentment.


☿ Mercury Δ Chiron ⚷
You may now communicate your ideas and views with ease. You may connect with people from all walks of life by using your past wounds as diplomatic fuel.

☿ Mercury ✱ Mars ♂
This is generally a great transit for mental acuity, and you may even want to team up with those with similar goals to help move your own values forward. If you’re trying to succeed in business, seek out your community.  


♂ Mars ✱ Chiron ⚷
Courage and boundless energy are in the air. Intuition is high, but you are waging an inner war now that can lead to shame and aggression if you’re not careful.



♀ Venus Δ Uranus ♅
Personal connections are lively and even liberating. Experimentation in the bedroom will enhance established partnerships, but new relationships may quickly fizzle out. You may have a sudden influx of cash or want to invest in artistic pursuits.


♀ Venus ☍ Neptune ♆
This creates tension and disruption with relationships and money. Venus’ pollyanna idealism could end up causing disappointment. Now is not the time to pick new investments or start a new relationship, but adding a new style or spiritual practice could shake up your routine in the right way.

☿ Mercury Direct
The chaos of the past few weeks begins to lighten. You’re able to bring projects to completion, as you now have all the information and resources you might have missed before the retrograde. If you’re sensitive to Mercury Retrograde, you may continue to feel it for the next few weeks as it moves through its final shadow phase.


♀ Venus into Libra ♎
This transit will bring your partnerships to the fore - and if you’re unattached, you’ll be getting your flirt on without even trying. You might be idealistic about love now, and willing to compromise if there has been any strain lately.


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