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An Introduction to Human Design

An Introduction to Human Design

Join the Writual Society


Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: Welcome, welcome. My name is Dayna Schmidt-Johnson. I'm the Community Manager of the Writual Society as well as the house astrologer. And today we are going to be talking about human design. This is the first in our series of monthly teachers.

And we are gonna dive deep into human design today, you may have never heard about human design, maybe you have heard about it. But bring your curiosity today and have an open mind because you're going to be quite interested in this topic by the end of it, I promise you. And because I'm no human design expert, we have with us today Rowena Winkler, who knows way more about human design than I do, and will be sharing of the juicy details along the way. So welcome, Rowena. Thanks so much for being with us today.

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Thank you so much for having me. Dayna. I am super excited to talk about human design with you today.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: So am I! So tell us, who are you? What do you do?

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Sure. So I'm Dr. Rowena Winkler and I call myself a Cosmic Catalyst Coach, and Realignment Strategist. Now what the heck does that mean? I help women find their voice and step into their higher vibe, soul level selves. And how I do that is through my expertise in communication, intuitive marketing. And I also work in modalities such as astrology, tarot, and of course, human design, which we're talking about today.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: Amazing, yes, tarot and astrology are definitely our hottest topics in the Writual Society. So how did you first discover Human Design?

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Yeah, so it was actually through a little app that you may have heard of called clubhouse. It was, what two years ago at this point, during the pandemic, I am an extrovert by nature, you may get a sense of that during this talk today. But as a lot of people during lock down, I was trying to find community and I was trying to find ways to connect with people and to find people that are like minded. And it was through a series of different clubhouse rooms that I stumbled across human design. And I said, what is this, and that's how I found my coach that I had worked with and how it kind of just snowballed from there. I thought it was such an interesting, an interesting tool. And of course, we'll talk about what human design actually is. But I'm super nerdy by nature. You know, I have a PhD, of course, so I love learning. I am a curious person. And when I found out about human design, as with many of these things, I just dove right in and learned all I could and I'm still learning. So yeah, that's how I first learned about it.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: So it kind of falls into the same category as tarot and astrology. But let's talk about that. What the heck is human design?

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Yeah, sure. So astrology actually is part of the human design. So this is a system that was essentially channeled by Ra Uru Hu in 1987. And it's this, this process, this system that integrates a variety of different areas. So astrology is one of them, the iChing, the Qabalah, the chakra system, and also quantum physics. So a lot of different areas that I'm sure folks in the Society are interested in. And it's all this like, 'wham, bam, thank you, ma'am' system. And it's this human design chart or your body graph. And that's based similar to astrology on your time, date and location of birth. And it's just this incredibly powerful, useful tool that helps folks reach that authentic alignment. That's, that's the terminology that I like to use in my messaging and with my clients, so it helps us step into who we are and what we're meant to do in on this plane in this world.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: Awesome. So okay, you go online, you can find a free human design chart on several different sites, right? Yeah. And when you first I feel like when you first look at your human design chart, it can be really overwhelming. It's kind of like when you first get into astrology or tarot it's like, what do all these things mean? And you know, the rabbit holes you can go down. Where should someone who's totally new to human design and just getting seeing their chart for the first time; where should they begin?

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Yeah, yeah, no, I know, a lot of folks my clients included when I bring up human design and pull up their chart, they're like, whoa, Rowena, what is all this because it does look like it could look like a bunch of gobbledygook when you're first looking at your chart. So similar to astrology, as you mentioned, right? You know, when you talk about astrology at first you just talk about Sun sign, right or your zodiac sign. So in a similar fashion, when you talk to folks about your human design, oftentimes one of the first things you ask each other is: what's your type?

So there are different types in human design. And I can quickly run through those. So that folks can find their human design charts free, as you mentioned, and get a sense of what type they are. So first, we have the generators, and your gal here is a generator, it makes up most of the population, it's about 70% of the population. And essentially, us generators we're the worker bees, right? Were the ones that are supposed to go around and like do all the things the Energizer Bunny was an archetype that has been used to describe generators, we just keep going and going and going. But here's the thing. We're not meant to initiate. We're not meant to start things, which I know yourself included, Dayna, when you heard about that we're meant to our design is meant for us to wait for a response. And typically, it's a sacral response. And I'll talk about that in a little bit later. But essentially, when we're presented with an opportunity, and generators receive lots of opportunities, because again, we carry things out. If it's not a 'hell yes,' it's a 'no,' which can be very challenging for generators. Because, as with astrology, as with tarot, you know, there are shadow and light sides of all of these tools and modalities, generators can become people pleasers, if they're not careful, right? Because they want to do all the things and we can get very overwhelmed, very burnt out. You know, at the time of this recording, I was just talking to you that I got COVID, right. And as a generator, that was really hard for me to just rest and relax. So it that's, that's the generators in us. So if you're not meant to do it, you'll know. Like your sacral energy will be like, 'uh-uh, that's not it.' And also, what's interesting about generators is we vocalize a lot. So I know back when I was in grad school, and I would watch presentations, my friends would make fun of me, because I'm that person that's like, hmm, yeah. And like, I would be like, vocalizing, but that's a generator trait, because it's our sacral energy being like, giving us the cues that yes, this is something that is in alignment. So those are the generators.

And then we have the manifesting generators, which is similar but a little bit different. Right. So it's still that generator energy, it's still doing things, but because it's a mani manifesting generator, you also can initiate things. So you know, it's not just about the response, you can initiate things easily. But that's after receiving the response. So, you know, compared it to a pure generator, where they, you know, get that that hell yes. And then they go and do the work, manifesting generators can get the hell yes, to start something. But they don't necessarily have to complete the project. Right? They don't necessarily have to. And that was something when I was talking to one of my clients who's a mani-gen. And that was like a light bulb in her head, like, oh, my gosh, wait, I can start it, but I don't have to finish it. The pure generators can finish it, if you want to work on it, but then it doesn't seem alignment anymore. That's fine. Go ahead and move it along. You did what you had to do as your design to initiate and start that, right. And because manifesting generators, or mani-gen's, as we like to call them, can do many different things. They are true multi hyphenate. They, they bought from thing to thing, and sometimes people aren't down for that, right. They're like, you're always changing your mind, you're always doing something, but I just want to affirm the mani-gens out there, you know, my husband's a manifesting generator. It's okay, like, that's your design to start things. And if it's not good, good with you anymore, then then move it along. So it could be this very windy path that mani-gens feel may feel self conscious about it. But trust your gut, you're very adaptable and very agile, and that is your strength. Right? So those are the mani-gens.

And then the next type that I'll speak to are the projectors. I love projectors, they're... they're... You know, I have a lot of projector friends. I think projectors get along really well with generators, and they make up about 17 to 20% of the population. And the thing with projectors is that they need to receive the invitation before they act. Right. And I have a really good friend who's another human design expert, Rosie Crescatelli. And she she uses this great visual of projectors as these lighthouses, right. They are the ones that are guiding the path for everyone else when they receive the invitation. They're the ones that come up with like the game plan and the blueprint. And they essentially illuminate the way for us generators and mani-gens to get things done. So, the other thing with projectors, which I had a projector client that had to wrap their brain around this, because they're not a pure generator, projectors work in waves and cycles. So there are moments where a projector can be super productive and doing all the things, but then they need to rest. And especially in the US, right in this westernized world. And I know there's probably folks around the world but at least here in the US, we're conditioned to act as generators, right? We live in a very generator-like society. So I always talk to my projector clients of nay-nay, no, no, that's not your design. projectors are best in leadership roles, where they're the ones that had the big, broad view vision, and then they delegate it out to to us generators to really get things going. They develop the systems, the structures, they create the roles, they really are the ones that get the plan in place so that we can get those things done. So those are the projectors. They're like the director of the show to use a fun theater reference.

And then we have the manifestors. So the manifestors, make up 9% of the population, so not as many as you know, our projector friends or our generator, friends and mani-gens, those folks are the true initiators. So you know, I mentioned how many manifesting generators they initiate and respond. Manifestors are the catalysts, they are the ones that are going to kick things off. And they, they're the ones that identify any obstacles or challenges, they're the ones that are going to, you know, clear the way and help us make those decisions and manifestors, they have potential to create great impact. And they have this, you know, magnetism and charisma, like, you can probably sense a manifestor. When they walk in the room, like when they enter space. They just have this aura that's inviting, they have a lot of innovative ideas. I have a friend who's a manifestor. And yes, she's the ideas queen, right? Like she sees, she has this vision for what we can do and how we can improve our lives and what we can do in the future. But unlike our projector friends, who are also you know, they can also be seen as leaders, they don't need to be invited. They, they get the call, and there they go. Like they don't want to be micromanaged. They don't want to be told what to do. They're just gonna go and initiate it. But unlike the generators, they don't have you know, they're not Energizer Bunnies, like the generators, they also need the time to recharge. And they also operate in more of a sprint fashion, right? So they like get a burst of okay, when do all these things. All right, now I need to recharge, okay, and then I'm gonna go again. And then I recharge. So. And that involves, you know, in our work and doing all the things that I know, the Writual Society guides us on. And doing that work is really, really important to have moments of meditation and mindfulness and inward work to recharge is really important.

And then last, but certainly not least, because they're the rarest in the Human Design types is the reflectors. Reflectors, they only make up about 1% of the population, so superduper rare. I have a friend who recently discovered that she's a reflector, and I was like, whaaaat?! Dr. Rowena Winkler It's, it's really, it's really interesting reflectors. They are the empaththeist of empaths. They can read the environment, they can feed into energy, they are insightful and intuitive. And they can see things that probably a lot of the other types, obviously, because they're rare that they won't be able to see and because they're so receptive, they operate like with things like lunar cycles, right, you know, operating off of the moon, and they are very in the moment, right, this just moment to moment. They are some of the most present people that you can meet in your entire life. And I don't know about you, but I know a lot of us we're not always operating in the moment, right? We're always thinking about what happened in the past all our baggage from the past and then ruminating on the future, but not the reflectors. They are so open, and they're so permeable. And so as a result of that, they really need to have that energy work, they really need to be able to set those energetic boundaries and do, you know, energetic, energetic practices and cleansing and also surrounding themselves with people who are going to uplift and feed into that positive energy and not bring them down. So, because if, if not, as I'm sure you can understand, a lot of folks watching can understand, when we have those energetic vampires, it's no bueno.

So I'm gonna pause there before I go into my next shpeal. But those essentially are the types they it's like very similar to your sun sign in astrology. Basically, when folks say, what's your human design? That's going to be one of the first things you say.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: Okay, so we're looking at the different types, and each one of those types, affects us a little bit differently, how we should be best utilizing our energy. Yes, totally. Right. So that's just one part of human that's just one part. The baseline top part, what is your type? Yeah, what else can we learn from human design?

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Yeah, so the other piece that is helpful when talking about human design is your authority. And what that authority is, it's your inner knowing, or I like to call it, I call it the inner muse, right? It's like that inner wisdom that that guides you throughout your life, it helps with your decision making. So along with your type, by knowing your authority, and how you are meant to make decisions in the day to day, it can be another fantastic tool to help you.

So I'm gonna start with the sacral, because I mentioned that as a generator. So your sacral authority, about 35% of the population operate using this authority. And the majority of it are the generator folks. And that's, again, that waiting to respond that I know that you hate, Dayna. But here's the thing, we don't have to hate on it. Because as I mentioned, it's going to be happening all the time. We get all the things are coming to us, it's just a matter of feeling into that sacral energy and getting that 'hell yes' versus the no, right. So it's not, there's not going to be a dearth of opportunities for for folks with the sacral authority, it's just a matter of really attuning into that, that sacral and really feeling in like what's coming up. And again, as I mentioned, it may be vocalization and baby like a like, mmm, like a uh-huh or like, uh-uh so you will get that.

And then we also have folks that operate with an emotional authority, I have a client that has this authority, and that's more of our using our solar plexus chakra, right? Because, you know, solar plexus is based on, like confidence and how we show up in that sense. And it's more of this, like gut reaction, being able to pick up of the emotions in that moment, and like allowing for time with that. So as you probably know, and lots of people know, there are times when we react or make decisions based on our first initial emotional reaction, right. And with an emotional authority, we are invited to to sit back with that and just kind of see the waves that roll through, right? Like, let's not go off that first, like, 'Oh, I'm so mad,' or I'm so right, that there's going to be things happening, and to witness that without judgment or attachment. And then when we're feeling good, and we know this is like, 'okay, this is how I'm feeling in my gut,' then moving on with there.

And then the splenic authority, that's about 11% of the population, and that's the spleen and human design is tied to our intuition. So that is going moment by moment making decisions really tapping into that intuitive vibe feels like really becoming, you know, really connecting with spirit source universe to give you that information that you need. Some people have no inner authority, and it's all external, right? They just receive information and make decisions based off of what's happening around me and my environment. What are these people saying, right, so these folks like to verbalize or you know, talking out loud or brainstorming or hey, can you be a sounding board as I vocalize this and having folks mirror back to them. What what might be useful?

Those are for the folks with no inner authority and then we have the folks that have the self projected authority, which is basically the opposite. So they don't listen it. They're like, 'no thank you conditioning, no, thank you society. No thank you people, I'm going to tap into what I'm thinking and projecting onto myself, I'm going to listen to my own voice. I'm going to listen to what my soul and spirit has to say, and I don't care about says.'

And then lastly, as I mentioned, with the reflectors, we have the lunar cycle authority. And my reflector friend, I remember her saying, 'when I found out that I have to make decisions based off of the moon cycles, like how's that going to work? Do I have to tell this job that I, that I got an offer from that I have to wait 28 1/2 days to like, know what to do?' So yeah, that's, that's how they operate. They go off of moon cycles, and they work very closely with the moon. I know y'all do full moon and new moon rituals, right. So they work very intimately with that energy.

So again, when we talk about human design, like for example, when someone asks what my human design is, I will say I am a sacral generator. So that's how you go about go about that. Oh, and then I totally forgot the authority, which is the ego authority, and not to be confused with ego, but this is the heart, a heart center. So being self trusting and whatnot, that, that you are really tapping into that heart chakra and having that open heart and listening to that that muscle. Okay. Whew, yeah, that was a lot. Again, like happy to answer questions. And folks, you know, we can maybe have a handout or something, I don't know. But I hope friends are taking notes.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: Yeah, there's just so much to it. And we've literally dove into two pieces. Yeah, seriously, right. And it's, it's very interesting to me with human design, I feel like, so many of the things that you're talking about, don't really jive with how the world works. Right? Like, your friend is like, well, do I have to wait until the full moon to tell about this job, like, that's not how the world works, or the idea of like responding to things. Now, fortunately, for those of us who respond to things, or need to be are responsive like that, like you said, there's no shortage of opportunities. But we're also being told by the world to go out and create and do and initiate, when really only a fraction of us should be doing that. Yep. So how do you kind of how do you work with your clients to kind of work through that disconnect between what the world is asking of us and what our human design is asking of us?

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Yeah, I mean, I feel like so the, my LLC is called Journey to Consciousness. And I feel like that's just part of right. It's part of this journey of discovering yourself discovering who you are authentically, and, you know, without the conditioning and everything, and using tools like human design, to help us tap into 'Oh, that's who I really am.' You know, honestly, in working with clients and talking about their human design, it's like, a huge sigh of relief, because it allows us to be like, 'Oh, that's why I'm like this,' or, 'Oh, I'm not weird or different, or broken or messed up. This is my design.'

And even if it may not jive with, as you mentioned, with how our environments are, that's okay. Because that's, that's, that's our design. And so, once that realization happens, that epiphany, aha, like, 'oh, wait, that, okay, that makes sense.' Then it's a matter of finding the confidence and courageousness and gumption to just make the decision to live in your human design and live in your alignment, despite what the outside world is telling us despite what everyone else is doing. And that is so powerful, because people are going to notice people are going to witness and get a sense like, she's different. She seems happier, you know, like, what's going on here, and it really is finding that alignment and it really, for me personally when I discovered my human design and that I was a sacral generator and reflecting on my own people well pleasing tendencies and how I can move out of that. It really gave me more context on how to operate in the day to day in the world. It gave me the language to be able to wrap my brain around why I operate the way that I do it.

And it helped with my relationships as well, by knowing that my husband is a mani-gen. I can't get too frustrated when he's like, let's go. boop bop, bop. You know, it gives context similar to astrology, right? Like when we know people's big three, for example, it's like, oh, okay, yeah, there's the Virgo, right? Like, it gives us more insight so that we can interact with each other as we authentically are, and it helps with relationships.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: So then, maybe that answers my next question, which is, what is your favorite feature about human design? Is it the relationship piece or is there like something that really gets you...

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Okay, I don't mean to throw yet another piece of human design. But I do want, I do want to throw this, this and that. Hopefully, this won't take as long as the other pieces. So another part of human design is your profile.

So as I mentioned, when I say that I'm a sacral generator, typically, since I have more knowledge about the system, I say, I'm a 4/6 sacral generator. And the profile is another way to get more even more insight on your human design, because it helps determine the best way, the most aligned way to fulfill your purpose on this planet. Now I know it's like very like woo. But seriously, when I found out my profile, I was like, okay, so the profile, as I mentioned, I'm a 4/6, it's based on two numbers. And the two numbers are your conscious self, and your, your unconscious self. So I'll use mine as an example. And then I can give the other numbers.

So the four in human design is the opportunist. And in my, in my case, I consciously live that out. The opportunist is the networker. The the person that loves to cultivate relationships, that likes to build community, right, as we're doing here with the Society, it's the quality of an opportunist life is dependent on the quality of those relationships. So consciously, and that's totally me, I mentioned, I'm an extrovert, I love meeting new people, I love working with my clients, I love building community, like that's totally my vibe.

The six is the unconscious. That's something that's going on behind the scenes that you may not be so aware of. But once you figure that out in human design, holy moly, like that's going to give you so much information and guidance moving forward. And the six in human design is the role model. And what's interesting about the role model is it comes in three phases, right? So from zero to, from when you're born zero, age zero, to 30, around 30 years old, that phase of your life is basically the trial and error. You're gonna make mistakes, you're gonna mess things up, you're gonna figure things out, like what's, what's your deal, what's your vibe, and then between ages 30 to 50, which home girl me, and that's where I'm at, right now. It's formulating the learning, right? It's like, okay, I went through these experiences, what's the message? What am I learning? What are my takeaways from this. And then the last phase is 50 plus, and that's when you become the wise sage, who gets to share that wisdom, and gets to help other people as they go through their life journey. So when I found that out, I was like, 'oh, my gosh, this resonates so clearly, with my mission as a coach,' like this is essentially what I want to do. I want to build community with people and find women and help them and then use my own life, my own mess to become my message to them, you know what I mean? So it's just like, so that that was just amazing.

So let me quickly talk about the other the other types in the profile. So I mentioned it's one to six.

Number ones are the investigators. Those are like our Nancy Drew's I guess right so like, the researcher like very wants to study things very deeply. I work with a lot of investigator types because I work with a lot of academics, so it's very much in alignment with that right. So studying things, researching things. The two is the the hermit which I know is a major arcana in the tarot.

So the twos are, you know, and the way that this is manifested in human design is the hermits have this innate natural inherent knowledge. They have something that they know so deeply and they're so naturally gifted in that thing. That in per your human design like your job is to whatever that is get out there and share that with others. So you are just naturally gifted at something.

The three is the martyr. Now again, like a lot of these, like people were like, oh, no, I'm the martyr. But essentially what that means is that they're learning by experimentation and, failure, essentially, right like, and they're not afraid to fail. They are those daredevils that are willing to get out there. Try all the things be like, oh, that didn't work. All right, let me do this other thing like they are. And I admire that as someone who is like, very, like risk averse, when it comes to things like that. So those are our martyrs. Those are our threes.

I mentioned the opportunists. That's the four. Those are the folks that love the people and love to build community.

The fives are the heretics. And that's this, in my actually one of my coaches is a five. It's this big hero energy. It's like, I'm here to save the world. And I don't care what you think. A lot of the heretics, as the name suggests, deal with, you know, maybe folks don't like you or folks are like, don't understand your vibe, but it doesn't matter. Because you you have this vision for how the world could be. And you're here, just making it work and making it happen.

And then as I mentioned, the role models, the six, and they have the three phases of life. So again, it's just another layer that I think is so interesting, and I love that the profile is the two numbers, because it gets a sense of like, okay, this is where I'm at.

And like where I kind of want to go, you know, you know what, I just it just just just came through right now. It's very, like North Node, South Node, vibes, you know?

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: Yeah, are the numbers are always like, the small like, yours is 4/6? Is it always the smaller number than the bigger number or? 

Dr. Rowena Winkler: No, not necessarily. Not necessarily, depending on the design, it can be either either which way any different combination. And they will give you...  

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: Like, could you be like a three, three?

Dr. Rowena Winkler: I don't know, I've never come across a three, three. I mean, that I mean, I based off of what...

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: ...was the same number on both sides.

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Yeah. I mean, though, that I feel like that's like a perfectly aligned person, right? Because it's like their conscious and subconscious are... So in human design there's also like the planets, so very similar to astrology, planets, and you can have same same, like in that sense, and that's, it's unconscious and conscious. But I've never seen a profile that's the same same. I don't know, maybe that person's out there. If that's you let us know.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: Yeah, no kidding. I'd love to hear that. Amazing. So Rowena, human design, the end of the day is such a big concept, a big topic, but really helps us align better with who we are get to know ourselves on another level, right?

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Yeah.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: Yeah, I love that so much. And we are so lucky to have you coming into the Society on July 6, to talk more about human design. If you are not part of the Writual Society, you are going to want to get on that waitlist, because we're going to open this up, you're gonna have the chance to be in Rowena's class in July and learn so much more top to bottom about all of these bits and pieces about human design.

If this sparked your interest, and how could it not, I'm sure you're Googling your human design as we've spoken through this, you'll definitely want to jump in and join us. So Rowena, I'm so grateful that you've been here today to explain so much more than I think I've ever learned from just reading a website. Right. Um, what else do we need to know? Last takeaways from human design?

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Yeah. So I think I think it's just beautiful. And by the way, thank you so much for having me and I'm so looking forward to the class. First of all, just want to say as we mentioned in the beginning, when you first see your chart, you're just like, what is all this? But that's the beauty of it. Right?

We barely scratched the surface today in our conversation, you know, I know I said a lot and there's the different but honestly, that was just three pieces of the puzzle. There's so much more and we can get more in depth with that with the with the class but I think that's what's so beautiful about that. It's always, it's a system that works hand in hand, right.

As I mentioned, I also read tarot I also use astrology, astrology as part of human design. These are all tools as we talked about, that helps us gain insight on who we are and how we can show up more as ourselves and so I would invite you all to you know, I personally use the site You know, I'm not getting paid to say that, but that's the site that I use. There's many other sites as well to get your free, totally free human design chart. And I'm looking forward to chatting with folks and meeting more folks next month to to learn more about what you've learned about about your charts.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: Amazing. Well, once again, thank you so much. We look forward to seeing you in July.

Dr. Rowena Winkler: Yes, I look forward to it as well. Thank you so much, Dayna, and I look forward to seeing everyone next month.

Dayna Schmidt-Johnson: Thanks, everyone.

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